《Singapore Airlines Retiring Boeing 777-200s and Airbus A330s, Both Types Unlikely to Fly Again》

Image: Singapore Airlines
Earlier this month Singapore Airlines announced its full-year financial results, recording its first ever annual net loss of $212 million. The Covid-19 pandemic is the main reason behind this losses, with the coronavirus wiping out passenger demand.
In a media briefing, SIA confirmed the retirement of its Boeing 777-200 and Boeing 777-200ER aircraft, which will be accelerated due to covid-19. SIA's fleet of Boeing 777-200 aircraft have an age of at least 15 years, the first being delivered in 2001.
This also mean that the older Airbus A380s with the older cabin product are the only two types with the 2006 long-haul business class. While SIA may not have announced whether they will retire their fleet of older A380s, it is possible that not all a380s will return back to service after the pandemic.

Image: @aviationtravelofficial on Instagram (Please do not republish image)
“The A330s are on lease, but they too are… due to leave the fleet within the next 12 to 14 months, and we will not be extending those leases.” Stephen Barnes, SVP, Finance, Singapore Airlines. The first A330 with SIA was delivered in 2009, while the remaining were delivered within 2014 and 2015.
This means that we may not be able to fly with the 2009 Regional Business class seats after the retirement of the 777-200 and A330 aircraft.
In my previous post on IG and our website, I have shared about my flight review on the Airbus A330 economy class with Singapore Airlines. That may be my last time flying with the A330.
Image 1 (B777): Singapore Airlines
Image 2 (A330): @aviationtravelofficial